/* FILE ARCHIVED ON 2:52:24 ��� 23, 2009 AND RETRIEVED FROM THE INTERNET ARCHIVE ON 10:33:52 ��� 20, 2011. JAVASCRIPT APPENDED BY WAYBACK MACHINE, COPYRIGHT INTERNET ARCHIVE. ALL OTHER CONTENT MAY ALSO BE PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT (17 U.S.C. SECTION 108(a)(3)). */ var isIE4=(navigator.appVersion.indexOf("MSIE")!=-1 && parseFloat(navigator.appVersion)>=4)?true:false; var isNN4=(navigator.appName=="Netscape" && parseFloat(navigator.appVersion)<5)?true:false; var isNN6=(navigator.appName=="Netscape" && parseFloat(navigator.appVersion)>=5)?true:false; var isOPERA=(navigator.appName=="Opera" && parseFloat(navigator.appVersion)>=7)?true:false; var timeout; function ShowIt (parametr,div,div2) { if (parametr == true) { clearTimeout(timeout);hide(); x=getDivX(div); y=getDivY(div); shiftX=getDivWidth(div); setDivX(div2,x+shiftX+30,y-7); DivSet=div2; } if (parametr == false) { timeout=setTimeout('hide()',500); } } function getDivWidth(divName){ if( isIE4 ) { return document.all[divName].offsetWidth; } if( isNN6 || isOPERA ) { return document.getElementById(divName).offsetWidth; } } function getDivHeight(divName){ if( isIE4 ) { return document.all[divName].offsetHeight; } if( isNN6 || isOPERA ) { return document.getElementById(divName).offsetHeight; } } // get X coordinate of element's upper-left corner function getDivX( szDivName ) { if( isIE4 ) { var nPos = 0; objCurrent = document.all[ szDivName ]; while( objCurrent != null ) { nPos += objCurrent.offsetLeft; objCurrent = objCurrent.offsetParent; } return nPos; } if( isNN4 ) return document.layers[ szDivName ].pageX; if( isNN6 || isOPERA ) return document.getElementById( szDivName ).offsetLeft; return 0; } // get Y coordinate of element's upper-left corner function getDivY( szDivName ) { if( isIE4 ) { var nPos = 0; objCurrent = document.all[ szDivName ]; // prevent relative Y positioning problems in IE55 and IE6: if( objCurrent.style.position.toLowerCase() != "absolute" ) objCurrent.style.position = "static"; while( objCurrent != null ) { nPos += objCurrent.offsetTop; objCurrent = objCurrent.offsetParent; } return nPos; } if( isNN4 ) return document.layers[ szDivName ].pageY; if( isNN6 || isOPERA) return document.getElementById( szDivName ).offsetTop; return 0; } function setDivX(DivName,x,y){ if(isIE4){ document.all[DivName].style.left=x+"px"; document.all[DivName].style.top=y+"px"; document.all[DivName].style.visibility="visible"; } if(isNN4){ document.layers[DivName].pageX=x; document.layers[DivName].pageY=y; document.layers[DivName].visibility="show"; } if(isNN6 || isOPERA){ document.getElementById(DivName).style.left=x; document.getElementById(DivName).style.top=y; document.getElementById(DivName).style.visibility="visible"; } } function hide(){ if(isIE4){ document.all[DivSet].style.visibility="hidden"; } if(isNN4){ document.layers[DivSet].visibility="hidden"; } if(isNN6 || isOPERA){ document.getElementById(DivSet).style.visibility="hidden"; } } function Big(shot) { var ScrWindow; ScrWindow=window.open("zoom.html","","toolbar=no,location=no,directories=no,status=no,menubar=no,scrollbars=no,resizable=yes,left=15,top=15,width=400,height=400"); if (ScrWindow != null && ScrWindow.opener == null) ScrWindow.opener=window; ScrWindow.document.open(); ScrWindow.document.writeln ("  "+ ""+ ""); ScrWindow.document.close(); return false; } function Menu(imgName,menuName){ if(document.images){eval('document.menu' + imgName + '.src="/img/menu_b_' + menuName + '.jpg"');} } function BigXY(shot,X,Y) { var ScrWindow; var tmp = "toolbar=no,location=no,directories=no,status=no,menubar=no,scrollbars=no,resizable=yes,left=15,top=15,width="+X+",height="+Y; ScrWindow=window.open("zoom.html","",tmp); if (ScrWindow != null && ScrWindow.opener == null) ScrWindow.opener=window; ScrWindow.document.open(); ScrWindow.document.writeln (" "+ ""+ ""); ScrWindow.document.close(); return false; } function UseXY(page,X,Y) { var ScrWindow; var tmp = "toolbar=no,location=no,directories=no,status=no,menubar=no,scrollbars=no,resizable=yes,left=15,top=15,width="+X+",height="+Y; ScrWindow=window.open(page,"",tmp); return false; } //�������� ������ � ����� ���� function externalLinks() { if (!document.getElementsByTagName) return; var anchors = document.getElementsByTagName("a"); for (var i=0; i < anchors.length; i++) { if (anchors[i].getAttribute("href") && anchors[i].getAttribute("rel") == "external") { anchors[i].target = "_blank"; } } } window.onload = externalLinks;